I'm here with an outfit of the day and some photo's of my lovely day I had yesterday! :)
So yesterday I went to Amsterdam with my friend for a concert from Thibaudet. My aunt from Paris invited me to the concert because she's a good friend of Thibaudet. He's a wondeful pianist from France and I was so lucky to meet him! First we went to The Hilton Hotel for dinner and than we went to the concert. This was the first time for me going to a Classic concert but I really liked it! It was beau-ti-ful <3 During the break I got the chance to have a little chat with him. It was so perfect! Jean-Yves Thibaudet& Me @ Hilton Hotel
Concertgebouw @ Amsterdam, we had seats behind the orchestra!
And this was the outfit I wore yesterday! I decided to go for a dress since it was such a classic event. My dress and bag are from River Island, cardigan from Guess and shoes from Le Ballon.
My friend Eyelar & Me <3